
Differences And Similarities Between Shri Rabindranath Thakur And Swami Vivekananda

It is ideas that make history. As the Hegelian adage goes the history is a tough task master. Those who do not learn the lessons of history, history do not forgive them. We also recently learnt the Vedas started with history, science and religion later. Since, however, an idea on the above subject came to our mind, we felt impelled to take up the hardest task. We did not have much occasion to write on Swami Vivekananda, but we have written a number of times on Rabindranath Thakur. Many repetitions on Shri Rabindranath Thakur are therefore bound to come. We would request our esteemed readers to tolerate that.




We had just learnt about “CENSUS OF EDUCATION”. This has disturbed us considerably. We have learnt one could be civilised without having any formal mode of education. Before we go over to that, let us assert with all the strength at our command that one could be PHD degree holder, that is, highly educated but not civilised. Many of them would not have much idea about the rich cultural heritage enshrined in such cultural and civilisational books like Vedas and Upanishads.
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Designing With Black and White.

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